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Welcome to my Savvy Homeschooling Notion Template!




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Currently if you have purchased this version (Version 1.0 - 2024) you will notice that the planner is set for the remaining school months for the school year 2024-2025: January 2025 thru June 2025. As my first official template on Notion marketplace, I will be updating this version with next school year’s dates and will be happy to send the updated version at no additional cost to all of you who have purchased this VERSION.



Please Duplicate This Template before proceeding and then scroll down to read about the pages within


THINGS THIS TEMPLATE will not have as previously made templates are readily available to you already through Notion Marketplace:

Meal Planner | Chore or Task To Do Lists | Curriculum Tracker | Attendance Tracker | Finance Tracker | Field Trip Table



  1. Go to the top right corner of this page.


This page lists the various pages within the template.

Keep or delete any of the extras that are on the pages - i.e. clock, timer, or google calendar - replace with your own


Description of the pages

The “Who” Behind the Template



The Savvy Homeschool ~ Home Page 2024-2025


Student Hub ~ To Add Students

This link takes you to the main hub for the Student Information page - Here you will find the courses your student are taking as well as a place for summarizing their grades. Customize each of the student’s profile pages as you wish.



Student Portal Dashboards ~

This link takes you to the main hub for the Student Learning Portals - Customize each of the student’s portals with their favorite study music, banner, & icon - It also has the google calendar feature so that they are connected to the main calendar for school breaks and family events



Database Directory